For a busy place like The Star casino complex in Sydney, it’s important for visitors and employees alike to be able to come and go from the car park without any hassles. But after a significant amount of wear and tear, The Star’s existing metal expansion joint covers were leaking between floors. Not only that, they were a trip hazard too as the fixings began to dislodge.
Beyond safety concerns, visitors to The Star were also contending with major noise issues. The casino’s patrons were distracted by the sound of cars driving over the metal joints — less than ideal when focusing on enjoying a game of Blackjack or heading out for an evening of entertainment.
As part of a refurbishment to the car park to address these issues, The Star selected CS Zip Block expansion joint covers, the most popular cover in our parking expansion joint covers range.
Zip Block forneceu uma solução tudo-em-um. Uma revolucionária capa de junta de expansão de uma peça impermeabilizada que se instala sem a necessidade de concreto elastomérico bagunçado, o Zip Block cuidou dos problemas de vazamento e ruído no The Star de uma só vez. Além disso, sua impressionante classificação de deslizamento torna ideal para áreas com tráfego de pé pesado.
With Zip Block parking expansion joint covers in place, The Star’s visitors don’t have to worry about leaking water in the car park, trip hazards or excessive noise.
Beyond Zip Block, we offer many different parking expansion joint covers suited to a range of needs. See if these products are right for you by getting in touch with us. Or, simply order a sample to see for yourself.
Product Focus
O Zip Block (ZB) é um vedante de uma só peça extrudida em elastómero EPDM com nariz integral, que se une ao substrato com cola epóxica de alta resistência.
O Zip Block é muito mais resistente que os sistemas tradicionais de betão elastomérico, pois proporciona uma solução de junta a longo prazo sem problemas.